Employee Benefits

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

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Welcome to the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts page. Here you will find information specific to plans offered through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. At this time we have a total of four options. Two of them are considered Health Maintenance Organizations ( HMOs) and two are considered to be  Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs).

Here are the Summaries of Benefits provided by each of the plans. Please use the information found here to help you decide which plan best fits your own personal needs, or to answer any benefit related questions you may have concerning a plan in which you are currently enrolled:

Active/Early Retirement Plans
HMO Blue - Traditional
HMO Blue - Benchmark 
PPO Blue Care Elect - Traditional
PPO Blue Care Elect - Benchmark 

Medicare Supplemental Plan

The following information is required to enroll in a BCBS health plan:

Individual Plan
  1. BCBS Enrollment Form
  2. Please sign page 10 of the MMHG Employer/Employee Requirements and Acknowledgement Booklet.
Family Plan:
  1. BCBS Enrollment Form
  2. Please sign page 10 of the Employer/Employee Requirements and Acknowledgement Booklet
  3. Please provide a copy of your legal Marriage License (if applicable).
  4. Please provide a legal birth certificate for each of your dependents (if applicable).

Note: When completing an application for enrollment it is important to list the name, location and provider identification number of your primary care provider. To obtain this information, please refer to: Find A Doctor